Просмотр полной версии : Hello. About three years ago, for the first time being surveyed at the gynecologist (on pre...

22.06.2004, 15:45
Hello. About three years ago, for the first time being surveyed at the gynecologist (for pregnancy at a delay), at me have found out erosion shejki uteruses. After sorts or labors (in a week has transferred or carried a uterine endometriosis) and the termination or ending of thoracal feeding it was necessary to be treated all over again from neopoznannoj infections: the background of leucocytes in a smear has appeared raised or increased at other safe analyses (on gonokokk, a clamidiosis, a ureaplasmosis, etc.) - have lowered up to norm or rate. Then the colposcopy has revealed extensive erosion and presence of any fields. After the passed or taken place procedures (treatment protorgolom and dusting powders of antibiotics) there was a question on cauterization.

1. Whether respond, please, there could be an erosion up to pregnancy of the hormonal nature and whether she could "regenerate".
2. What is weeding?
3. And whether it is valid at extensive erosion and presence of those fields cauterization (an electrocoagulation?) - a unique way of treatment how my gynecologist speaks? I Am afraid, that there will be cicatrixes, and it will affect or have an effect at the subsequent sorts or labors.

Pasenjuk A.M.
24.06.2004, 03:11
1. Yes, could
2. At presence of attributes of a dysplasia treatment, but not necessarily electrocoagulation is required hirurgichesoe, the laser vaporization ioi radiowave surgery is better, these methods do not leave cicatrixes, which (cicatrixes) complicate current of sorts or labors and can cause break shejki a uterus