Просмотр полной версии : On 16 j day of a cycle is noted by the gynecologist increased and morbid the rights. jaich...

23.06.2004, 09:03
On 16 j day of a cycle is noted by the gynecologist increased and morbid the rights. An ovary, then uzi on 6 put a trace. A cycle cystic education ok has diagnosed. 2, 5 sm, liquid, in the rights. Ovaries + a degeneration of the left ovary. As a whole, pains are not present, only sometimes at movements on the right below, nesilno. We are going to to get or start children, 0, 5 years we prepare with the husband, have cured all infections... Whether it is possible to try to conceive now the child and to not be engaged in treatment of ovaries, t. To. If them now to treat, probably it is necessary to drink OK and t. The item, and it means for god-two to tighten or delay this business. And then also besides najdutsja new sores and so will be indefinitely. Tell or say, whether it is possible to become pregnant now? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
23.06.2004, 18:58
Basically it is possible, but if it will not turn out, the laparoscopy is shown.