Просмотр полной версии : To us 7 nedelek. Beer Wanted. It is possible to buy or purchase to itself of nonalcoholic beer...

14.06.2004, 11:29
To us 7 nedelek. Beer Wanted. It is possible to buy or purchase to itself of nonalcoholic beer

15.06.2004, 10:18
I too very much would like some beer, my doctor has told or said that stakanchik is possible.

18.06.2004, 22:33
I drank nonalcoholic Bavaria. On taste does not concede alcoholic, but not so bojazno was, that I shall do much harm. 0, 33 - to calm desire.

21.06.2004, 03:47
I too meant nonalcoholic.

23.06.2004, 17:55
You does not suffice in an organism of yeast. Bezalkogolnoe beer, how much or as far as I know, harmless. BUT to abuse the same it is unnecessary.