Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Has occured or happened unforeseen, the condom has torn: ( The girl...

19.06.2004, 12:58
Has occured or happened unforeseen, the condom has torn: (
The girl used Patenteks the Oval, but he has been entered 6 7 minutes before, t. e. By the instruction, could not be in time it will be dissolved (though the girl has been very raised or excited and in a vagina was very wet). In 14 hours after that the girl has accepted 4 tablets Marvelona, and in 12 hours 4 more. In 8 hours after the second reception it or her has pulled out. Has passed or has taken place 4 days and the girl began to feel a nausea after meal (though before the state of health was excellent or different). Whether she can feel a nausea from preparations or it is pregnancy?
In advance thanks for the answer.
Yours faithfully Maxim (klensql@mail. ru

Soboleva L.I.
20.06.2004, 22:10
Hello! The given nausea has no attitude or relation to pregnancy. She can be caused or called by reception of tablets or is simple experiences of the girl.

21.06.2004, 12:16
Thanks for consultation!
I am sorry, that has casually responded not in the subject: - Nerves...:)

22.06.2004, 07:53
And anything, what the nausea "has come" in 3 days after tablets? Or it is very individual process?

Soboleva L.I.
22.06.2004, 18:02
It really process individual. But believe, that no toxicosis develops in 1 2 day of pregnancy yet.