Просмотр полной версии : We take. 27. I drink ginipral with 20, t. To. The raised or increased tonus (now on 1/...

21.06.2004, 20:13
We take. 27. I drink ginipral with 20, t. To. The raised or increased tonus (now on 1/4, t. To. Pulse) the Question raises or increases: whether how much it is possible to accept this preparation and what analyses to me should do or make on this term + you look the patients on an armchair (me pochemu-that for a long time did not look, and I worry, suddenly at me opens shejku (* 3)). I Look forward to hearing, thanks

Oshchepkova S.R.
22.06.2004, 00:35
ginipral accept longly, down to sorts or labors, sometimes it or him appoint or nominate and during sorts or labors. It is necessary keontrol biohimich. The analysis of a blood (transaminazm, a potassium...), the general or common analysis of a blood, Saccharum of a blood.
I look pregnant women in term 28 - 30 weeks - the control shejki and the control of smears.