Просмотр полной версии : Girls, well I beg, prompt please that means the analysis wet 17 KS...

14.06.2004, 04:35
Girls, well I beg, prompt please that means the analysis wet 17 KS how correctly to hand over it or her? I have a threat, oetomu very much worry

15.06.2004, 12:01
The analysis wet on 17 KS allows to reveal adrenal giperandrogeniju (change of the hormonal status) which enough often happens the reason nevynashivanija pregnancy and demands carrying out of additional medicamental correction.

18.06.2004, 04:16
It is not necessary to eat day of products painting urine - a beet, carrots. I do not remember Further, in hospital necessarily should give listing with detailed indicatings. Correctness of the analysis depends on it or this.

21.06.2004, 22:38
Voobshche-that it needs to be learned or be found out in laboratory of an out-patient department where to you have given a direction. I handed over such analysis in the endocrine center (I live not in Russia, do not know what there rules), and there it it was necessary exactly day (from 6 00 mornings till 6 00 next mornings) to collect urine in three-liter to bank and then all it to carry in laboratory. And now, at pregnancy, in female consultation I handed over too the daily analysis, but on Saccharum. Well that I have guessed to ask again in laboratory! In a usual out-patient department it was not necessary "peret" to them three-liter to bank, and simply to shake up its or her houses and to cast in usual, 200 gramme. So be not too lazy, necessarily learn or find out all rules of the hospital!