Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! At me 3 y put a delay (at a cycle 29). On 23 a cycle...

18.06.2004, 03:15
Good afternoon! At me 3 y put a delay (at a cycle 29). On 23 a cycle there was a sexual certificate or act. It is adverse day for conception,-th was not protected. Besides at me the positive analysis on a ureaplasma. Whether will work on this term the test for definition of pregnancy. And if it will appear positive rez-t-what methods it is possible to use at the given stage for an abortion. Thanks in advance, very much I wait the answer

18.06.2004, 05:29
The sexual certificate or act has not been completed, the sexual certificate or act has occured or happened for 7 days prior to the beginning of (due) a menses. Proceeding from teorii-I do not understand, how it could occur or happen. Whether the delay with what that another can be connected..? And how the ureaplasma could povlijat/influences in this case a situation?

Malanova T.B.
21.06.2004, 20:55
Pregnancy is improbable, but all happens. At a delay more than 7 days, go on US. The ureaplasmosis does not influence duration of a cycle. If there is no pregnancy, the reason of a delay should be found out.