Просмотр полной версии : One month ago I have started to accept the Microshaft. And now with monthly to be created that...

21.06.2004, 01:22
One month ago I have started to accept the Microshaft. And now with monthly to be created that that not clear. That day 3 4 was simply kakja--that botched work, has then stopped. For about a week it was dry, and then within a week have passed or have taken place as monthly. It in 20 days of reception. Week it was again dry, and now again as monthly 2 j day. It very much disturbs me.

Malanova T.B.
21.06.2004, 20:01
The microshaft in Russia is not on sale. Most likely, it gestagennyj a preparation, from here and leapfrog with a cycle. Other hormones are necessary.