Просмотр полной версии : Hello! What preparation needs to be accepted, if we were engaged in sex without p...

20.06.2004, 01:24
Hello! What preparation needs to be accepted, if we were engaged in sex without a condom, but the ejaculation was outside of me??? Please, urgently!!!!

Soboleva L.I.
20.06.2004, 10:42
If it happens in the middle of a cycle it is possible to accept postinor or some tablets of a contraceptive (regulona, Rigevidonum and similar to them - on 3 tablets at once and in 12 hours or non-ovlon, ovidon - on 2 tablets).

21.06.2004, 12:38
We had an interrupted sexual relations, but my partner is not assured or confident "was in time" - whether he during. Tell or say, please, what tablet to accept better, but that she was less safe for an organism, and whether it is necessary to accept it or her in general? Earlier never them accepted, always there was an interrupted relations. Respond, please, now if it is possible or probable! I very much worry! Thanks.