Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! At me have found out in an input or entrance in a vagina peaked or acuminate condylomas, ska...

19.06.2004, 16:31
The doctor! At me have found out in an input or entrance in a vagina peaked or acuminate condylomas, tell or say how much or as far as it dangerously and how from them to get rid?

21.06.2004, 05:56
Not strongly dangerously, but pass komu-their string you can without ceremony. idina reception to the venereologist, there will appoint or nominate treatment, prizhech liquid nitrogen it seems, and still it will be necessary to hand over a blood. More shortly, at me they have appeared, and in one and a half month have disappeared, as the doctor has told or said, the organism itself has consulted, but the virus even in current of 2 years remains in an organism. I drank vitamins (duovit, komplevit, jod-assets), vozhmozhno it has helped or assisted. If you are afraid to go to the doctor, drink vitaminki, will help or assist in couple of months. In any case if prizhech at weakening immunteta-they again will get out, and prizhigat-this all platno. But vse-taki it is better to ask the doctor on reception.