Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, the doctor! At me sterility or barrenness 3, 5 years. In April to me did or made giste...

19.06.2004, 20:23
Good afternoon, the doctor!
At me sterility or barrenness 3, 5 years. In April to me did or made a hysteroscopy. Have removed a polyp 58. During 3 h months accepted djufaston with 15 go day of a cycle. Now by results of US there was a polyp of the same size. The doctor has explained, that on a place of cicatrix often there are relapses. And in the first months after a hysteroscopy. Suggest to make a hysteroscopy again. But I do not see sense therefore as he can again will appear on a place of cicatrix. Advise, please, that to me to do or make? Additional data: the cycle 23 days, an ovulation is (but early, 2 I a phase of 10 12 days), spermogramma good, pipes are passed or taken place;passable, hormones in norm or rate (Prolactinum have lowered Bromocriptinum, Oestradiolum in norm or rate, but it is close to the top border), are a subserous myoma 1, 3 see

Malanova T.B.
21.06.2004, 01:09
1. You have not specified rezudbay histological research of a currettage. 2. For what day of a cycle opjait the polyp is revealed?. 3. UZIT control it is necessary to do or make for 6 7 day of a cycle by the vulval or vaginal gauge. 4. If presence of a polyp will prove to be true - it is necessary to be scraped out or be curetted then to spend antibacterial therapy and a physiotherapy. 5. What test objective level of Prolactinum, whether there are you on preparations? Answers are better for sending on my taboma@yandex. ru address