Просмотр полной версии : To me 23 years. Tell or Say, please, what treatment of a bacterial vaginosis most eff...

19.06.2004, 16:34
To me 23 years.
Tell or Say, please, what treatment of a bacterial vaginosis most effectively? This disease becomes aggravated at me times in 3 4 months.
What can be the reason of an itch in a proctal or an anal aperture? Whether it can cause reception in current of two weeks of antibiotics (to me did or made a currettage iz-for uterine bleedings)? It is necessary to hand over What analyses?
When most effectively to do or make uzi uteruses?

Malanova T.B.
20.06.2004, 16:31
1. Medicamental treatment is appointed or nominated only on internal reception. 2. The proctal or anal itch if it is precisely connected with reception of antibiotics, that, is probably caused or called by them, and is possible or probable also other reasons - for example, worms, an allergy on something, a neurodermite.... 3. It is expedient to do or make US for 5 7 day of a cycle.