Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor. At me second half of pregnancy. On about...

18.06.2004, 20:01
Hello, the dear doctor. At me second half of pregnancy. During nskolkih months accepted complex vitamins for pregnant women of English and German manufacture and all of them caused allergic displays on a skin in the form of red maculae which were scratched and peeled. When I stopped to accept vitamins, these displays too stopped. I connect or bind it that I live in the country where the year round the sun and set of every possible vegetables and fruit, and also seafoods and probably reception of vitamins causes their general or common overabundance. Whether exists any smamyj a set of vitamins necessary and difficultly extracted or obtained from nutrition and trace substances which can be applied separately in necessary doses?
And more a question, whether it is possible for pregnant women to apply bifidobakterin or any another priparat, adjusting or regulating activity of an intestine as he every day shows two extreme measures, I any more do not remember when I had a normal chair. Or it is natural to pregnant women? Thanks for the answer, yours faithfully, Olja.

Oshchepkova S.R.
19.06.2004, 11:49
Bifidumbakterin can safely apply. And to vitamins concern easier, do not accept, t. To. Allergic displays in your organism for a fetus not the best situation. Vitamins do not accept - have a rest from them. Your child all will take from the sun and from products - meat, a fish, milk or dairy products, black hleb (vitamins of group)...

Oshchepkova S.R.
20.06.2004, 14:04
Bifidumbakterin can safely apply. And to vitamins concern easier, do not accept, t. To. Allergic displays in your organism for a fetus not the best situation. Vitamins do not accept - have a rest from them. Your child all will take from the sun and from products - meat, a fish, milk or dairy products, black bread (vitamins of group)...