Просмотр полной версии : At the first child at a birth have diagnosed: " absolutely short navels...

19.06.2004, 00:05
At the first child at a birth have diagnosed: " absolutely short cord or navel ". It would be desirable to learn or find out what is it such and whether there can be it in the subsequent pregnancy? (now at me pregnancy of 9 weeks).

Pasenjuk A.M.
20.06.2004, 05:08
Absolutely short cord or navel - when a cord or navel less than 40 sm that threatens wrong polezheniem a fetus, hzatrudnjaet its or his movements, in sorts or labors can slow down promotion of a fetus on patrimonial ways, cause or call a placental detachment, an asphyxia in a fetus and a bleeding at the woman.