Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, prompt pozhajlusta why strip-tests operate or work only pr...

18.06.2004, 01:03
Good afternoon, prompt pozhajlusta, whether why strip-tests operate or work only at a delay monthly and a network such tests which show result for the second day of a fertilization? Thanks.

19.06.2004, 00:46
Irina, is tett which defines or determines pregnancy for the second day and it or he can be applied at any time. A guarantee of accuracy of result - 99 %. Is called ClearBlue.

19.06.2004, 10:40
Irina, is the test which defines or determines pregnancy for the second day and it or he can be applied at any time. A guarantee of accuracy of result - 99 %. Is called ClearBlue.