Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me a following question: I smoke, and recently have learned or have found out, that I bere...

09.06.2004, 05:22
Hello! At me a following question: I smoke, and recently have learned or have found out, that I am pregnant - 3 weeks. The teacher in institute has informed, that at early stages of pregnancy it is impossible to stop to smoke, and after the second month of pregnancy it is possible to throw. How you consider or count, whether it is dangerous and whether the rights my teacher?

The anonym
10.06.2004, 14:56
I too heard what sharply to throw it is impossible, but reduce gradually kol-in cigarettes in day.

10.06.2004, 20:25
Nonsenses of all this to throw and immediately. I have stopped to smoke that day as itself have learned or have found out about pregnancy

11.06.2004, 03:33
Certainly it is necessary to throw at once. And the rest is only justifications smoking!

11.06.2004, 22:57
Anja, that you prepodsha - speaks you delirium, the more longly during pregnancy you smoke, the more your kid becomes dependent on a nicotine if can stop to smoke at once - well if is not present - reduce quantity or amount of cigarettes up to a minimum, prerjdite to superlungs, at smoking mums (and at narkomanok too) kiddies are born very much slabenkie, postjanno shout - demand a nicotine, to kotormu mummy has accustomed it or him when he was at it or her in a stomach or belly, I do not wish in no event you to frighten, but one my friend smoked all pregnancy, has not sufficed forces to throw or stop, its or her boy has lived only 2 weeks and has died, the reason was in smoking mother

Anna With.
13.06.2004, 13:50
Yes, Anna, yours the teacher obviously not in a subject on this question.. In the first trimester (up to 12) occurs or happens a bookmark and formation of all organs of the kid and consequently any negative factors, especially smoking, can fatally affect or fatally have an effect the child and even if on itself in the early childhood you do not sweep up or will notice it anybody you not zastrahuet from morbidity of the child, from asmy in the further and from other bjak, it is necessary to you? As uznali-at once throw for the present had not time to do much harm to the kid, all other arguments for that to pull with brosaniem-the banal justification of the delicacies due to health of the kid and has no scientific substantiations!

17.06.2004, 07:16
In vain you ask at a forum! Here, probably, is not present smoking, and they take a narrow. Ask the doctor, receive competent advice or council!!!

The doctor
18.06.2004, 12:01
For those who still doubts: smoking is dangerous on any term, throw as soon as possible!