Просмотр полной версии : Hello, at me a little bit strange question - whether can an ovulation will come or step...

17.06.2004, 12:47
Hello, at me - whether the ovulation 5 d can attack a little bit strange question. ts. Considering, that with 3 d. ts. I accepted for its or her stimulation klostilbegit. The matter is that on 5. ts. Was ill at the left in the bottom of a stomach or belly (as at me was earlier when with an ovulation of problems was not) and has occured or happened skachek basal temperature on 0, 5 degrees.
In the last cycle I accepted proginova and Utrozhestan.
Many thanks. Yours faithfully. Maria

Oshchepkova S.R.
18.06.2004, 10:26
5 day of a cycle is nevertheless early for klostilbegita. You should to continue be taken rectal temperature and urgently to visit or attend the attending physician. The ovulation usually attacks 11 - 15 day of a cycle. Pains can be connected with side effects of a preparation.