Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, please, clear a situation. Was on reception at the doctor. The doctor posmot...

17.06.2004, 01:39
The doctor, please, clear a situation. Was on reception at the doctor. The doctor has looked or seen results of hormones and schedules BT. Also has appointed or nominated L-a thyroxine. But I doubt of correctness of reception of this agent. Hormones shchitovidki:
3 1, 6 (norms or rates 1, 3 - 2, 7)
4 115 (58 - 161)
TTG 2, 02 (0, 4 - 4)
nty-G 20 (0 - 40)
uzi shchitovidki: the right share 4, 11, 31, 8
The left share 4, 21, 41, 9
Contours equal, communications or connections (? An illegible word) homogeneous.
All other hormones (Oestradiolum, LG, FSG, Prolactinum, Progesteronum, Testosteron-Depotum, a hydrocortisone, 17 ONprogesteron) in norm or rate.
Whether purpose or appointment of a preparation is adequate?

Kamenetskij B.A.
18.06.2004, 10:09
Appoint or Nominate or cancel treatment the doctor on internal reception can only. If at you doubts have crept in try to consult at other expert.