Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. The following problem - is found out in me erosion, very much malen...

Olga To
17.06.2004, 23:27
Good afternoon.

The following problem - is found out in me erosion, very small in the sizes nearby 3.

In smears on a cytology the first time the moderate dysplasia, an epithelium without attributes of atypia has been found out ", the repeated analysis (in 10 days) has shown " in a preparation there are atypical cells, two-nuclear cells ", third time " a dysplasia without attributes of atypia ". At a colposcopy it is diagnosed - a leukoplakia. The biopsy - " the expressed dyskeratosis, a parakeratosis, a basal layer of an epithelium and an a subject tissue without attributes of a malignancy " is made.
Analyses on an infection (HPV including) - all negative.

In this connection questions-
1. Application of candles Betadin could affect or influence the second analysis of a cytology (to me it or him have appointed or nominated in the preventive purposes) and right after a course have taken the cytologist. The analysis. There could be these atypical cells iz-for it or him. If is not present, what is it - simply mistake or error - there were they or not?

2. The biopsy is how much exact? That is I precisely do not have any attributes of an oncology?

3. A question in occasion of a method of treatment. I the doctor has told or said, that at such biopsy is possible or probable only - elektokoaguljatsija or a cryolysis. I have asked about treatment by the laser, the doctor have told or said, that in SPb only one clinic Pirogova has the medical laser, and all other lasers in city therapeutic and they do not approach or suit me. Whether it is valid to me the special medical laser and in what difference of the therapeutic laser from medical is necessary.

Savchenko A.A.
18.06.2004, 06:50
You accept treatment. In your case it is possible to use: laser excising or coretraction, excising or coretraction el. A loop, cryotherapy, the knife konizatsija. The choice of a method depends on the decision of your doctor. Many clinics have the laser equipment or installation. Words lechenbnyj and therapeutic is one and too.