Просмотр полной версии : To me have put spiral Mirena when to the child there were 3 months Up to 1 and 2 mes reben...

15.06.2004, 12:53
To me have put spiral Mirena when to the child there were 3 months Up to 1 and 2 mes I nursed the child, menstrual vydeleny practically was not. 3 months I do not feed, and the second cycle plentiful enough allocation on duration about 7 days. Whether it is necessary to worry? I read and heard, that at Mirene monthly practically otstvujut. Whether can appear such allocation iz-for the terminations or discontinuances thoracal vskarlivanija? Or to run to the doctor?

17.06.2004, 04:05
Excuse, a mistake or an error.