Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At me a following problem: Term beremennosti-6 weeks 4...

The anonym
16.06.2004, 08:24
The dear doctor! At me a following problem: Term beremennosti-6 weeks 4 days, having taken a blood on analiz-have established or installed low level progesterona-have registered "Utrogest" ("Utrogest"), then in the analysis of urine have found out any bacteria (what they to me have not told or said therefore as ostensibly the general or common analysis, instead of crop) - have registered antibiotics "Amoksitsillin" 1000 mg ("Amoxicillin") (on 2 tablets in day in current of 5 days)... It would be desirable to learn or find out. Such preparations on such early term are how much necessary I, especially, feel of well, any complications was not present, me of 27 years... Thanks

Malanova T.B.
16.06.2004, 20:26
On small terms antibiotics are undesirable. Let will pick up other treatment. It is necessary peresdat carefully collected urine, to hand over the analysis wet on nechiporenko.