Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Happy New Year! At me such question. Basal temperature up to...

15.06.2004, 18:22
Hello! Happy New Year! At me such question. Basal temperature up to 17 days 36, 6, 18 37, 0, further 37, 1. The given US have shown an ovulation has occured or happened on 18 day, a cycle of 30 days, an ootid for 17 day 23. Whether all is normal at me? And in the middle of a cycle some months after a laparoscopy I have pains in the right ovary of days 5, according to US he is a little increased, and these days appear yellow allocation. The gynecologist does not know with what it is connected, but it disturbs me. Otvette, the doctor, what is it can be?

Kamenetskij B.A.
16.06.2004, 01:14
JUlja! If the ovulation is confirmed at uz-research is already not bad. Augmentation vydeleny in days of an ovulation this normal phenomenon.