Просмотр полной версии : In me have found out endometrioidnuju a cyst 2 months ago. A cyst have found out pr...

13.06.2004, 22:42
In me have found out endometrioidnuju a cyst 2 months ago. A cyst have found out at uzi (in the conclusion: left pridatok-2920, and right - 7143. The diagnosis: a cyst of the right ovary - endometrioidnaja). Most likely she at me for a long time, she periodically hurted or was ill;was sick, but as uzi I before did not do or make, gynecologists at survey revealed or taped nothing, and at its or her usual survey it is not visible. Have told or said to lay down on a laparoscopy. Whether I after operation can give birth to the healthy child?

Malanova T.B.
15.06.2004, 23:16
Most likely, after additional hormonal treatment.