Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. During the sexual certificate or act I have painful sensations...

15.06.2004, 01:48
Hello, the doctor. During the sexual certificate or act I have painful sensations as during monthly, strong, blunt and nojushchie, in all area of a bottom of a stomach or belly. Sensations such, as if the member strongly fights about shejku uteruses and at the same time does not occur or happen close obleganija a member a vagina, that me also does not arrange. My partner has admitted to me, that considers or counts, that at me a wide vagina, though a member at it or him the average sizes. I test painful sensations practically in all poses, except for classical, that essentially holds down and impoverishs a sexual life. It is necessary to think not of pleasure, and about that, as though to avoid a pain. No gynecologic diseases at me are present. It is considered, that such can be at insufficient exaltation, but, vo-the first, I practically am always raised or excited, and in the second, excuse, as then prostitutes work, shout from a pain, whether that. Stessam I am not exposed, I do not overtire. Any underdevelopment of a vagina can at me, whether it is possible to correct or adjust in this case it, including operative by, in fact differently each affinity causes negative emotions.

Oshchepkova S.R.
15.06.2004, 07:30
1. You should be examined; 2. There can be solderings or an endometriosis - it is necessary for US.

It again Marina
15.06.2004, 21:35
Once again hello, the doctor. To remind you of my problem, I insert the previous letter:
" To me 22 years. During the sexual certificate or act I have painful sensations as during monthly, strong, blunt and nojushchie, in all area of a bottom of a stomach or belly. Sensations such, as if the member strongly fights about shejku uteruses and at the same time does not occur or happen close obleganija a member a vagina, that me also does not arrange. My partner has admitted to me, that considers or counts, that at me a wide vagina, though a member at it or him the average sizes. I test painful sensations practically in all poses, except for classical, that essentially holds down and impoverishs a sexual life. It is necessary to think not of pleasure, and about that, as though to avoid a pain. No gynecologic diseases at me are present. It is considered, that such can be at insufficient exaltation, but, vo-the first, I practically am always raised or excited, and in the second, excuse, as then prostitutes work, shout from a pain, whether that. Stessam I am not exposed, I do not overtire. Any underdevelopment of a vagina can at me, whether it is possible to correct or adjust in this case it, including operative by, in fact differently each affinity causes negative emotions. "
Oshchepkovoj S. 's answer:1) Is necessary survey, 2) It is necessary for US as solderings and an endometriosis are possible or probable.
Thanks for the answer, but I wish to add:
US did or made more recently. Neither solderings, nor an endometriosis, thanks God, it is not revealed, but the chronic salpingo-oophoritis on the right is revealed. The gynecologist pochemu-considers or counts that what to treat it is not necessary, that at me raises the doubts. Besides at me small erosion sh. M. which, according to the regional gynecologist to treat it will be necessary only after sorts or labors (children at me now are not present and in the near future I do not plan them).
1) whether Can cause the set forth above factors painful sensations during the sexual certificate or act?
2) whether Rights the gynecologist what to treat it is not necessary?
3) you where it is possible to pass or take place the qualified survey to hand over analyses and so on could not advise
Or, maybe, you could help or assist me?
Yours faithfully, Marina