Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, me such question interests: the first day of last monthly at...

30.05.2004, 13:09
Good afternoon, me such question interests: the first day of last monthly at me was on January, 30th. Today was at racha on reception, has told or said, that I am pregnant, but have come in 3 weeks, as not clearly fetus normal or gauging. Consult!

31.05.2004, 21:45
Masha, hi!
At me exactly same term, as well as at you. My doctor at once has distinguished or recognized pregnancy (+ the positive test) and has put on the account in 6 weeks. Descend or go to other doctor. What on such early term I there can "stand" cannot understand? He should appoint or nominate to you analyses and inspections at experts. Success!

The anonym
02.06.2004, 15:24
Thanks, Tatyana, but the doctor I was put with term of 2 3 weeks. When you had last monthly?

04.06.2004, 07:19
Thanks, Tatyana, but the doctor I was put with term of 2 3 weeks. When you had last monthly?

08.06.2004, 02:08
Thanks, Tatyana, but the doctor I was put with term of 2 3 weeks. When you had last monthly?

08.06.2004, 10:09
Thanks, Tatyana, but the doctor I was put with term of 2 3 weeks. When you had last monthly?

10.06.2004, 13:56
The last were on January, 30th (the first day of the last). A cycle of 26 28 days. 8 week of pregnancy now comes to an end. At what ours with vrachem terms have coincided completely, at it or her even hardly has more left. So at you two months! I congratulate. We detki should be skorpionchiki (the beginning of November)!

11.06.2004, 18:59
Tanja, but the doctor looked on a fetus and has told or said, that he looks or appears for 2 months.

15.06.2004, 18:48
Masha, give by mail or on aske, so more conveniently and more quickly? nemova@post. km. ru (63270044)