Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please, at pregnancy in 5 weeks - a level of Progesteronum - 14...

12.06.2004, 17:56
Tell or Say please, at pregnancy in 5 weeks - a level of Progesteronum - 14 (norm or rate 25 60). The doctor the uterus quiet, BT - 37 37, 2 has appointed or nominated djufaston. I Feel well. Whether there can be it the stood pregnancy? Through how much to hand over the repeated analysis of a blood?

12.06.2004, 22:23
Olja, do not experience while ahead of time. Probably simply - very small term. Wait two nedelki at least - then repeat US and the analysis of a blood

15.06.2004, 15:09
Lada, many thanks for the answer!