Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, whether it is possible, from your point of view, to apply to treatment mio...

14.06.2004, 16:17
The dear doctor, whether it is possible, from your point of view, to apply to treatment of myomatous sites in a uterus of a various sort physiotherapeutic devices (type "Vitafon") with the purpose of decrease of the sizes of sites and their morbidities. At me also a fibrosing adenosis or fibroadenomatosis of a mammary gland (2 operations) and disease zheludochno - an intestinal tract. Representatives firmy-assure the manufacturer, that their new device which combines electric, magnetic, light and microvibratory influence by means of a current of low frequency (works from a battery in 9) is shown at all these diseases. I doubt, would not become worse. Advise please something. Thanks.

Savchenko A.A.
15.06.2004, 14:11
This device to treatment of a hysteromyoma to apply it is impossible. It is almost assured or confident, that this device (as well as many other things) did not pass or take place serious clinical tests. If manufacturers or distributors with it or this do not agree, let will specify clauses or articles where results of researches are published.