Просмотр полной версии : At me already for a long time anybody is not present. Respond, as long continence can vli...

14.06.2004, 06:45
At me already for a long time anybody is not present. Respond, as long continence can influence a female organism. I heard, what is it harmfully.

Maljarskaja M.M.
14.06.2004, 22:12
Harmfully sexual exaltation, not coming to an end an orgasm, sufficient for the person. Then the rush of blood to a small basin prevails, proisodit its or her stagnation in a small basin, from here - varices of veins of a small basin (and in legs or foots, and headaches), relative giperestrogenija, from here - a hysteromyoma, an endometriosis, a mastopathy. Well and konechno problems of the psychological plan. From which can voznikut illness or disease of any organ.
Therefore if anybody is not present, it is necessary to achieve satisfaction in other ways.