Просмотр полной версии : At my girl z for 9 days but the test does not show that she is pregnant ch...

14.06.2004, 04:11
At my girl z for 9 days but the test does not show that she is pregnant what is it can? And how to learn or find out for example vykidysh.. That through how much days polsle sexual contact he can be?

14.06.2004, 19:38
The abortion can be on any term. Especially 3 4, 12 13, 16 20 weeks from the first day of last menses. If at the girl has interrupted beremennost-there would be a bleeding. Nothing resolves! You need to repeat the test (better 2 3 different firms). Then, if nothing projasnitsja-it is necessary to go to the doctor. Only he can name the reason of a delay. It is a lot of them.