Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Respond please, it is necessary to hand over what analyses, that it is exact p...

11.06.2004, 05:04
Hello! Respond please, it is necessary to hand over what analyses precisely to diagnose " immunologic sterility or barrenness ". Have been handed over antispermalnye antibodies in a blood (are raised or increased in 8 times), the test for compatibility of cervical slime and ejakuljata-is not present mobile sper-ov in sight. I understand, what is it there is already immunologic sterility or barrenness, but at the cervical factor two inseminations have not helped or assisted, and antispermalnye antibodies meet and at fertilnyh women. What it is necessary to hand over still analyses to be assured or confident in this diagnosis? Thanks

Kamenetskij B.A.
14.06.2004, 11:33
Natalia! The immunologic reason can be not unique. The researches spent by you it is already enough to consider or examine;survey the immunologic factor as one of the reasons.