Просмотр полной версии : At me II group of a blood, Rh (+), at the wife - IV group, Rh (-). Pregnancy-...

13.06.2004, 14:00
At me II group of a blood, Rh (+), at the wife - IV group,
Rh (-). Pregnancy - 16 weeks. What problems and what should be our tactics can be?

14.06.2004, 02:36
Sergey, is possible or probable rezus-the conflict in case the child inherits your rhesus +. Then at the child hemolitic illness or disease of newborns can develop. If it is 1 aja pregnancy and to the wife did not do or make hemotransfusions, most likely, to be afraid there is nothing. The wife should hand over on a regular basis a blood on rezus-antibodies. Depending on an antiserum capacity the doctor will tell or say what to undertake, will appoint or nominate antisensitizing therapy and t. The item Before such analysis did or made at station of a hemotransfusion on Polikarpov, 14. there is also a specialized maternity home, 23 (m. SHabolovskaja).