Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me 28 week of pregnancy. In about one month daily to...

04.06.2004, 02:49
Hello! At me 28 week of pregnancy. In about one month daily kameneet the stomach or belly also proceeds till 5 minutes, then releases or lets off.
And today has woken up from a pain in the uppermost part of a stomach or belly under a breast at night. It was very difficult to breathe. It last about 30 minutes.
What is it such also what with it or this to do or make?

07.06.2004, 18:46
Usual fights Brekstona-Hiksa. The uterus trains before patrimonial activity. Do not worry. All good.

The anonym
09.06.2004, 07:55
And how often there should be these fights? At me too such occurs or happens, and when I go to bed that kak-that too often and too strongly.

11.06.2004, 09:59
If fight painless and not periodical - for bekspokojstv is not present an occasion, they can occur or happen every day several times. If there are pains and pulls a sacrum - urgently to the doctor.

13.06.2004, 17:45
Christina, and in general it is similar to a tonus of a uterus. At fights Brekstona the stomach or belly strains no more than on 30 sec and not more often 5 times day. To you have not registered to drink ginepral? Necessarily ask the doctor, at you now critical term, it is necessary to be protected. At me too kameneet a stomach or belly, but I change position of a body and then releases or lets off Success