Просмотр полной версии : Zdrvstvjte to me of 18 years. At me were a dysmenorrhea and to me have diagnosed nedor...

12.06.2004, 07:37
Zdrvstvjte to me of 18 years. At me were a dysmenorrhea and to me have diagnosed a underdevelopment of a uterus (the size, endometry 4 mm, and a uterus 35* 25* 30 and augmentation of ovaries) and have appointed or nominated remens. Monthly have begun, but while irregular, that to me threatens at such diagnosis in the future and whether will help or assist thus remens. Bdizosti niskem at me was not, speak, that can be from it or this.

Soboleva L.I.
13.06.2004, 01:12
Hello, Lena! The reason of your status at all in absence of a sexual life. In my opinion complex treatment is necessary for you: hormonal, homeopathic, a vitamin therapy, massage, fizioprotsedury. Your pathology not bad gives in to treatment, therefore in the future planning pregnancy and a birth of healthy children is possible or probable.