Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me erosion sh. M. it is found out two years ago. I live in city...

11.06.2004, 02:47
Hello! At me erosion sh. M. it is found out two years ago. I live in city of Perm. At us to me have offered only cauterization. Tell or say, whether expediently to go to Moscow for carrying out of more modern methods of treatment? How much important further observation at the same expert?

Elena P
11.06.2004, 05:39
I had an erosion. How much it or her did not treat (trays or basins, wads) - the result was not. If erosion not so greater or big it is better prizhech. And if greater or big, is better to do or make plastic operation.

Oshchepkova S.R.
12.06.2004, 18:07
The advanced schitajutja methods; the laser and a cryolysis. If you to give birth or travail are not going to, it is possible to apply and DEK if plan come is better. At favorable adhesion ESHM it or her observe in current of 6 months, a maximum 1 year. It is better, that it or her looked and 1 expert treated.