Просмотр полной версии : Hello, in me have found out erosion shejki uteruses of the small sizes. Ska...

Olga And.
10.06.2004, 12:26
Hello, in me have found out erosion shejki uteruses of the small sizes. Have told or said to treat it is not necessary, that she will pass or take place itself. Whether the truth it?

10.06.2004, 21:14
Never heard that she can pass or take place itself. It or she should be treated, and if you did not give birth or travail, wads with oblepihovym butter or oil, it is ineffective, but during this moment she does not increase or is not enlarged. And when the woman will give birth, already necessarily do or make cauterization or other methods (krio, etc.). Cauterization up to sorts or labors to do or make it is counter-indicative, therefore and nadejatssja that when you give birth will make cauterization. It is really instant and not sick. To me did or made. And if you in the nearest year do not plan to become pregnant, I to you would advise to be treated, that have not passed in more serious variant.

12.06.2004, 04:15
There was absolutely same situation. One vrachiha (free-of-charge) has declared, that I immediately should be treated, instead of that - and long prisok horrors, another (paid) that erosion small and in my case will pass or take place all by itself. And really erosion has passed or has taken place.

Malanova T.B.
12.06.2004, 13:14
It is necessary for you to make the expanded colposcopy and mazki-prints with shejki uteruses. Then it is possible to leave "erosion" without treatment up to sorts or labors, only observation kolposkopicheskoe.