Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Prompt me where there are centers on employment or occupations with beremennym-under...

11.06.2004, 12:18
Hello! Prompt me where there are centers on employment or occupations with beremennym-preparation for sorts or labors, development of respiration... To me it is important, as at me the first pregnancy, I since the childhood of hard of hearing 3 4 degrees. And I am afraid, that the hearing can decrease... And eshche-I had a nephroptosis priobretennyj-a nephroptosis. Now does not hurt and have lifted it or her on a place.:)). It can be reflected on berem-ti and sorts or labors? And on health of the child? The doctor recommends cranberry mors to drink 2 glasses in den-that I and I do or make. Thanks in advance!

11.06.2004, 17:40
On a site detki-predki. ru there is a detailed information on courses with responses of pupils.