Просмотр полной версии : HELLO! I am simple in a panic! Was at 2 h gynecologists - all unanimously...

31.05.2004, 14:36
HELLO! I am simple in a panic! Was at 2 h gynecologists - all unanimously repeat that the inoculation from a rubella is not necessary. And any has not appointed or nominated to me the test for immunity for check. It that, a new fashion in charge of pregnancy? And if I shall be ill, who will respond??????!!!!! THANKS.

02.06.2004, 14:23
Can you in the childhood already were ill or sick with a rubella? And more after an inoculation - I should to wait and not become pregnant 3 months. Dangerously

Mum of the kid
03.06.2004, 12:49
Alisa, I just recently asked about it or this the immunologist, and she has told or said, it is necessary to hand over all over again a blood on antibodies (even if hurted or were ill;were sick, or did not hurt or be ill;be sick, all the same), and then already by results of the doctor should solve, do or make or not an inoculation.

06.06.2004, 22:36
Here recently for itself downloaded from a site.

Pregnancy is absolutely special status throttle also bodies of the woman. Certainly it both a holiday, and serious test. From the point of view of immune system pregnancy is a serious shock as in an organism of the woman there is a set of new substances, antigens, to process the information about which and it is necessary to all parts of immunity. - to other organs and systems work all, that also indirectly influences immunity (for example, intensifying of function of kidneys increases or enlarges losses immunoznachimyh substances). Actually, pregnancy this status which can lead to an immunodepression. Besides pregnancy carries with itself new risk factors of a becoming infected - such as probability of a becoming infected a virus a hepatitis In at a hemotransfusion and its or her products. An inoculation. Ru recommends a following calendar of inoculations by preparation for pregnancy: Months up to planned pregnancy Bacterination
3 months Hepatitis * (1), a rubella
2 months A hepatitis In (2), a poliomyelitis (IPV)
1 month difterija-a tetanus (ADS-* *), * **
1 month after sorts or labors A hepatitis In (3)
* - if there is no opportunity to begin or start a course of inoculations against a hepatitis In (see below) for 6 months prior to the beginning of planned pregnancy, t. e. Completely to finish bacterination up to its or her beginning * ** - if term of scheduled bacterination (times in 10 years, after 16 years or summer age) has approached or suited or the previous bacterination * * has been passed or missed - if 2 or 3 trimester of pregnancy coincide on time with an annual flu epidemic the Rubella. Not a secret, that for pregnant women and their future children any viruses the size and which properties allow them to get through a placental barrier are dangerous practically, but among them the rubella for consequence or investigation of an infection of not immune pregnant woman from 75 95 % probability become congenital teratisms at a fetus (t is especially allocated. n. A syndrome of a congenital rubella). Heart diseases, depression of hearing or deafness, numerous lesions of eyes, down to blindness, a mental retardation, a hydrocephalus - here it is far not the full list of the lesions entering into a syndrome of a congenital rubella. Results of researches show, that the congenital rubella is the reason about 20 % of teratisms and meets frequency more than 2 on 1000 alive newborns. Even in large cities of Russia about 30 % of women of 18 30 years have no immunity to a rubella. If the woman be ill or sick with a rubella, t. e. Documentary acknowledgement or confirmation of the fact of disease is absent, the inoculation is necessary for making at least for 2 months prior to the beginning of planned pregnancy. To check up presence of immunity to a rubella it is possible immunologic methods, however such check is not an obligatory condition for bacterination. As foreign and Russian researches, an inoculation made by who initially had antibodies to a rubella show, is safe and in overwhelming majority of cases allows to improve force of immunity to an infection only. All modern protivokrasnushnye vaccines possess 95 100 % efficiency, and immunity, them created, is saved more than 20 years. As the vaccine shows an alive virus, the course of bacterination consists of only one inoculation, t. e. Immunity is formed at once, without revaccinations. One more positive effect of bacterination is a transfer of antibodies against a rubella with maternal milk to the future child. An inoculation against a rubella in no event it is impossible to do or make during pregnancy iz-for let theoretical, but nevertheless probabilities of damage of a fetus a vaccine virus. NB! Within, at least, 2 months after an inoculation against a rubella it is necessary to be protected! Vaccine Rudivaks for prophylaxis of a rubella the Virus hepatitis of Century Strictly speaking, bacterination against a virus hepatitis In is necessary for everything, and immunity against a hepatitis In is useful to the woman both up to, and after sorts or labors. Why the hepatitis In is actual for pregnant women? In fact the virus of a hepatitis In does not possess property to damage or injure a fetus, as a virus of a rubella. The virus of a hepatitis In is passed with a blood and other biological liquids. Practically all pregnant women, are exposed to injections, inspections, manipulations. Actually labors, probable hemotransfusions and its or her preparations - all this also represents additional risk of a becoming infected a virus of a hepatitis of Century the Standard scheme or plan of bacterination against a hepatitis In looks or appears as 0 1 6 months, t. e. The chosen day (0) - in a month (1) - in 6 months (3) after the first inoculation. In an ideal it is better to start to have time to make bacterination all three inoculations prior to the beginning of pregnancy - t. e. For 6 months It will allow to guarantee protection on the average at 85 90 % imparted or vaccinated. However by preparation for planned pregnancy in practice (unfortunately, seldom who thinks of inoculations for half a year up to pregnancy) this scheme or plan will look or appear most likely as: the chosen day (0) - in a month (1) - in 6 12 months (3) after the first. In other words, two inoculations with an interval in 1 month Provide immunity with duration till 1 year, the third inoculation (made already after sorts or labors) forms immunity duration more than 15 years (modern vaccines are applied only with 1986, therefore full duration of immunity it is not found out). It is necessary to carry that fact To disadvantages of such approach what to guarantee protection between 2 and 3 inoculations it is possible at a little bit smaller (75 %) numbers imparted or vaccinated. The existing alternative scheme or plan of immunization against a hepatitis In (0 1 2 12 months) It is used, basically, in view of emergency indications and olichaetsja more intensive and reliable formation of immunity in two months from the beginning of inoculations. It is necessary to recognize as relative disadvantages of this scheme or plan its or her higher cost, greater number of inoculations and visits to the doctor. The vaccine against a hepatitis In represents pure or clean " the Australian antigen ", that is only a part, and one of fibers of a virus is more correct only. Efficiency of bacterination at adults on the average makes 85 90 %, collateral reactions are insignificant (are possible or probable slight increase of temperature approximately at 2 % imparted or vaccinated and easy or light;mild morbidity in a place of a nyxis) at 5 10 % received an inoculation. Vaccine Euvaks In for prophylaxis of a hepatitis In the Poliomyelitis. The third inoculation to make which it would be very quite good: against a poliomyelitis. For Russia it while futurism, but for the European women more than a reality - the inoculation against a poliomyelitis appears in all French editions respecting on pregnancy and sorts or labors. Certainly, the risk of infection with naturally circulating poliomyelitis both in the Europe, and in Russia is insignificant - last time a "wild" virus of a poliomyelitis in the central regions Russian Federations has been noticed years 10 15 years ago. But is more than real risk of infection with an alive vaccine virus as the Russian children with a view of eradication of a poliomyelitis in the country it is universal or without exception receive OPV - an alive virus vaccine. Actually, introduction OPV if its or his mother is pregnant is counter-indicative to the child, but in practice this contraindication is kept seldom. The vaccine virus in OPV is intended for duplication in an intestine imparted or vaccinated and including for allocation of a virus in an environment with the purpose of immunization of associates. Not all associates are capable to react adequately to such immunization, especially what immune system is compromised by that or otherwise. For this reason in France and series of other countries before pregnancy recommend to inoculate (revaccination) inaktivirovannoj poliovaktsinoj (IPV). It is quite enough one inoculation for "reminder" immunity about existence of a virus. Why OPV it is not recommended for a revaccination? The matter is that in some cases the virus from OPV is capable to be saved in an organism imparted or vaccinated within months and even years, therefore its or his introduction before pregnancy has risky character. Vaccine Imovaks polio for prophylaxis of a poliomyelitis the Diphtheria, a tetanus. The inoculation against a diphtheria and a tetanus is necessary if term of the next bacterination or if you have passed or missed the previous bacterination has approached or suited. On a calendar the inoculation against a diphtheria and a tetanus is done or made each 10 years after an inoculation in 16 years, that is in 26 years, 36 years, etc. till 60 years. 90 % of adults do not remember it or this and do not know. And this inoculation is necessary first of all to the future child who needs to be protected from such pathology as a tetanus of newborns - absolutely lethal infection. Own antibodies to a tetanic rod at the child are not present, and maternal, passed with milk in the first days of feeding, will render to the kid invaluable service. Vaccine Imovaks d. T.Adjult for prophylaxis of a diphtheria and a tetanus the Flu. Pregnant women at whom 2 3 trimester on time will coincide with a flu epidemic, in conformity references operating or working in the USA, it is necessary, 2 3 months prior to epidemic, to inoculate against a flu. These references are based or founded;established on certificates of higher susceptibility of pregnant women to serious complications of a flu. Besides it or this, the inoculation especially urgently is recommended pregnant (no less than to other adult and children), having chronic diseases. The inoculation against a flu is better for making up to planned pregnancy if for this moment vaccines of the updated structure (usually are accessible, they appear in September), for protection in a current epidemic season. Nevertheless, modern inaktivirovannye the influenzal vaccines concerning classes split (split-) and subedinichnyh of preparations, are not counter-indicative and even are recommended to application during pregnancy. If you cannot independently solve, whether the inoculation against a flu or not consult to your doctor in female consultation and the expert of the center of bacterination is necessary in your case. Vaccine Vaksigrip for prophylaxis of a flu
www. privivka. ru

09.06.2004, 20:36
Alisa, the rubella at children's age often passes or takes place in the "latent" form, t. e. In the form of cold. I considered or counted, that did not hurt or be ill;be sick, and it has appeared that there are antibodies. Hand over in any laboratory the analysis on a rubella in credits M and G. G shows, whether there is an immunity, M - acute disease. If G positive, and the M - negative to worry there is nothing. In any case, all over again it is necessary to hand over analyses, and then inoculations to do or make. Now really many gynecologists do not direct or refer on analyses neither on a rubella, nor on a toxoplasmosis. Take business in the arms or hand! Success to you!

11.06.2004, 16:17
(rubella, German kor) concerns to vozdushno-to the dropwise or drip infections. Though this disease is characteristic for children's age, but more than half of all ill last years it is necessary on age more than 9 years, and in the age of 20 29 years 19 31 % of patients, in the age of 30 years or starshe-9 31 % fall or are ill. To genesial age of 75 85 % of women (half - in the subclinical form) already were ill or sick with a rubella and have lifelong immunity to this disease.

Bacterination against a rubella has been entered with 1969 and its or her frequency has considerably decreased: up to 1 : 100 000 population (according to the USA). A problem is the case rate pregnant women in early terms. The risk of teratisms at a fetus at disease of mother in I a trimester of pregnancy makes about 20 % (up to 50 % on 1 month and 10 % on 3 I eat month of pregnancy). Possible or probable teratisms are: a cataract, the open arterial duct, deafness, in some years probably disease by a diabetes mellitis.

The virus is allocated from a blood and pharynx in 7 10 days after infection and its or his allocation proceeds about 1 week. Disease is accompanied by an eruption which begins with the face for 16 18 day after infection, articulate or joint pains, limfoadenopatiej, a fervescence. But it is not enough for the diagnosis of disease of presence of a clinical picture. For acknowledgement or confirmation of an infection are used various serologicheskie tests.

Reaction of inhibition of a hemagglutination (antibody Ig G). From 5 up to 15 % had been ill have antibodies in high credits: 1 : 256. At the same time the proof of immunity is the credit 1 : 8 1 : 16. Rise of an antiserum capacity at the repeated test or dough;father-in-law in 4 times and more testifies to an acute infection. Last years inhibition of a hemagglutination is replaced by series of other tests in view of their greater accuracy and cheapness: latex the agglutination, fluorescent antibodies, a passive hemagglutination, a hemolysis in gel, IFA.

Research specific Ig M confirms a "fresh" infection (can disappear from a blood less, than in 4 5 weeks).

Introduction of immunoglobulin G does not warn viremiju, the subsequent disease, but only softens its or his signs, therefore and it is not recommended after contact with ill as routine procedure. Only for the women, refused to interrupt pregnancy, introduction Ig G can be a measure of prophylaxis of an infection at a fetus.

Risk of a becoming infected of a fetus.
Duration of gestation a becoming infected of a fetus
Up to 11. 90
11 12 30
13 14 20
15 16 10
After 16 5

The tank of an infection are children of preschool and younger school age. Bacterination by an alive vaccine leads to occurrence of immune protection in 95 % of cases. Recently vaktsinirovannye faces can allocate a virus, but their contact to pregnant women "sensitive" to a virus does not represent for them danger. (without antibodies), it is recommended to vaccinate the women sensitive to a virus, thus it is desirable to postpone pregnancy for 90 days. If nevertheless the vaccine is entered at pregnancy into 3 months first it or her, the virus in tissues of a fetus is found out only in 3 % of cases and does not cause or cause teratisms (1, 7 %), t. About. The indication to an abortion bacterination in early terms is not. Bacterination is possible or probable during the early puerperal period and is not an obstacle for thoracal feeding. Do not recommend bacterination at a fervescence and at immunosupressii. After an inoculation on new data it is enough to be protected within 1 month (on old data - 3 months), in any case necessity of preservation is caused not danger of an inoculation to a fetus, and necessity of time to development or manufacture of immunity, differently is danger to become pregnant on a background of the immunity which has not developed or produced still or even and the risk to be ill with a wild virus before display of protective action of a vaccine.

The basic information is taken from a source http: // web. yaroslavl. ru/obstandgyn/metod5. shtml? 1