Просмотр полной версии : I have a suspicion on pappilomovirus. The doctor has given a direction on delivery kro...

11.06.2004, 09:14
I have a suspicion on pappilomovirus. The doctor has given a direction on delivery of a blood on a virus 16/18 and 6/11. What can cause occurrence of a virus, than this virus is dangerous to me (27 years, did not give birth or travail) and my husband? Whether Necessarily this virus was passed me sexual by (and is passed he could only from the husband)? Half a year back I have treated sexual herpes, whether these diseases can be interconnected?

Savchenko A.A.
11.06.2004, 15:18
WAY of transfer VPCH, genital herpes - sexual. "Get" these viruses you could both simultaneously and at various times, as that of the husband and from other sexual partner. VPCH causes education papilom, the cancer shejki uteruses, vaginas, drinks or pharynxes, a sexual member (t can javljatsja the reason of occurrence. e. That area where the virus lives).