Просмотр полной версии : 2 ogo numbers have put me in a women hospital 5, laid there two...

07.06.2004, 14:06
2 ogo numbers have put me in a women hospital 5, laid there two weeks. The diagnosis: an endometrial bleeding, did or made a currettage. 25 ogo numbers have begun krovenye allocation (not strongly but also not weakly - in general is). What to do or make? To go on the second circle I do not want.

Malanova T.B.
11.06.2004, 00:22
Most likely, it is a menses. Compare to the calendar. What results of a currettage??? What treatment to you has been appointed or nominated???

11.06.2004, 13:23
I cannot compare to what, t. To. tsykl always different. Last year they went about time to two months on two weeks, and last time and at all month and then in two weeks have again gone or send again and is very strong. I have an extract from hospital but I there to read through that I can not, I know that rezult currettages were normal (according to the doctor). Treated antibiotics.