Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, to me of 19 years.. One and a half year ago have diagnosed - erosion she...

07.06.2004, 22:10
Zdrastvujte, to me of 19 years.. One and a half year ago have diagnosed - erosion shejki uteruses, plus to it or this I had an inflammation of the left appendage... Have told or said all over again to treat an inflammation of an appendage, and after that already to be engaged in erosion.. I have passed or have taken place course of treatment and like all would cease to hurt or be ill;be sick.... In a month when I have gone to the gynecologist, it has appeared that she has left also me have attributed to other doctor. Having examined me she has confirmed presence of erosion and any infection has told or said that at me still. Have told or said, that will cauterize Solkavagilom and have appointed or nominated to come after a menses. In a month I nesmoglda to come.. And as a result has left all as is. And more small addition - a year I accept contraceptive tablets "ZHanin", under the reference of the gynecologist. And now in general that and a question: erosion does not hurt me and not krovatochit.. I in general do not feel it or her, though I know that she there is... Whether it is necessary for me to go and treat it or her or it is possible and to continue further with her to live. I not given birth or not travailled.. And in the near future to give birth or travail I am not going to. In advance thanks for the answer.

Malanova T.B.
11.06.2004, 07:45
To solve this question, it is necessary to make the expanded colposcopy, onkotsitologiju, smears on flora. If everywhere bydet norm or rate. That modzhno only to be observed.