Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me a week delay monthly. The test for pregnancy it is hollow...

08.06.2004, 21:30
Hello. At me a week delay monthly. The test for pregnancy positive. Pregnancy very long-awaited and very desirable (at me one ovary). Last night have appeared small temno-brown smearing allocation. I understand, what is it a bad attribute. To the doctor I can get only after holidays. Tell or say please, what now it is possible to undertake urgently? Up to pregnancy all hormones (in the second phase) were in norm or rate.

09.06.2004, 20:41
Basal temperature 37, 1 37, 2

Oshchepkova S.R.
10.06.2004, 01:38
Confinement to bed. To accept but - shpu + vitamin E, to put suppositories with a papaverine. If there is no effect (to continue measurement of digits of rectal temperature) to connect Turinalum or djufaston.