Просмотр полной версии : Last monthly were on November, 7th. On December, 17th the doctor at a palpation nothing about...

07.06.2004, 17:23
Last monthly were on November, 7th. On December, 17th the doctor at a palpation nothing has defined or determined, and the test positive. Whether probably such?

08.06.2004, 05:01
Make US. I had a situation when the analysis wet has shown pregnancy, and the doctor has told or said, that the uterus is not increased, has driven or bent on US, and there have seen a normal uterine pregnancy of 5 6 weeks.
But unfortunately, can be and extrauterine..: - (

08.06.2004, 19:53
Certainly pregnancy is possible or probable.
I had almost similar situation. At a delay in 10 days I have called in paid clinic and have entered the name on reception for definition of pregnancy. Two tests before it or this gave a positive take. And I have asked the doctor, whether precisely at such small term it is possible to define or determine pregnancy manualno. She has told or said, that is natural!!!!. Also that you think, after survey she has assured me, that no pregnancy is present and that at me simply dysfunction!!! And even has advised to make a nyxis to restore the course ostensibly brought down as she said. You can present yourselves, what doctors at us. And I have decided to make US only in 3 weeks after that when at me the stomach or belly has suspiciously grown and I did not get into trousers. I had 7 weeks of pregnancy. So you even do not think to be upset or experience. Whether it is better to make US and precisely to define or determine there is a pregnancy.

09.06.2004, 06:07
It is possible to define or determine pregnancy various analyses, not necessarily US. And then, if Anna will decide to save pregnancy, at all and it is not necessary to irradiate the child on such small term. No competent doctor if there are no pathologies, will direct the pregnant woman on term till 6 weeks on US.

Julia - Natty
10.06.2004, 00:40
It is a question not of definition of pregnancy, and about definition of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis. It or her you only on US also it is visible.