Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My term - 32 ned. On US have found out tazovoe a presentation (in m...

04.06.2004, 15:32
Hello! My term - 32 ned. On US have found out tazovoe a presentation (in me the boy), the moderate oligoamnios. Weight of 2 kg., length of a femur - 62, 8. The doctor has told or said, that at an oligoamnios and a presentation the cesarean section is shown. Tell or say, how it is possible to change position of the child, than dangerously such oligoamnios and how mozheo to correct a situation (while it probably)? Thanks.

05.06.2004, 19:32
The presentation still can be corrected on head. The sense will worry, if tazovoe remains after 36 j weeks. An oligoamnios to not correct any more. Usually appoint or nominate corresponding or meeting treatment. More precisely to you your gynecologist will comment on results.

09.06.2004, 16:06
If there is no threat of an abortion for change of position of a fetus it is possible to do or make corresponding or meeting exercises: to lie down on one side of 10 mines, then quickly to turn over through a back on other side. So some times. Still alternate or interleave " the cat's back " to lying on a back (not longly). And the oligoamnios can specify an infection. You handed over analyses on VUI? Something Can you had been ill (a flu, ORZ)? To you have just now put an oligoamnios? And with a placenta that's all right?

09.06.2004, 23:21
If there is no threat of an abortion for change of position of a fetus it is possible to do or make corresponding or meeting exercises: to lie down on one side of 10 mines, then quickly to turn over through a back on other side. So some times. Still alternate or interleave " the cat's back " to lying on a back (not longly). And the oligoamnios can specify an infection. You handed over analyses on VUI? Something Can you had been ill (a flu, ORZ)? To you have just now put an oligoamnios? And with a placenta that's all right? Agree with previous answer, that in any case oligoamnios and its or his reason to treat pozdnovato. But I wish to calm a little. The oligoamnios happens sometimes simply physiological feature, if at you and at the kid (job of kidneys) very well and in norm or rate.