Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I had not a greater or big problem. The matter is that at me with...

07.06.2004, 20:05
Hello! I had not a greater or big problem. The matter is that at me since the childhood of allocation and I already handed over all analitsy and it is not revealed any infectious diseases. Now allocation of white color gustovatye similar to a cream. Tell or say please it there can be a Thrush? And as of it or her to get rid.
Thanks for attention.

The anonym
08.06.2004, 19:45
If analyses normal, can it is not necessary worry and be treated? For a thrush the itch is characteristic. During vydeleny it is possible to hand over a smear on a tank. Crop.

09.06.2004, 23:14
U mena takie videlenia s 14 let. I daje hodila ko vrachu hodila, potomuchto dumala chto ato mesachnie takie belie. Seches mne 24 goda i vrachi govarat chto ato osobennos organizma takay. I toge proveralas na bolezni - vse chisto. I nachala pit kefir s bifido bakteriami i videlenia umenshilis (no ato deystvuet tolko kogda vse vrema pit).