Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte girls! I in a panic! I prepared for conception and consequently from the middle...

01.06.2004, 21:25
Zdrastvujte girls! I in a panic! I prepared for conception and consequently from the middle of November have started to accept Acidum folicum on 2 tablets (on 0, 001 = 1) once a day January I have learned or have found out, that is pregnant and I continue the same reception, but one of these days (6 I week of pregnancy) I have unintentionally swallowed 3 tablets for time!!! I read, that for example excess of vitamin A leads to defects of a fetus. Whether it is possible my reception (3 tablets for time) to consider or count as an overdosage and dangerous, and in general excess of Acidum folicum can lead to defects. Tell or say how long to me still it is necessary to accept Acidum folicum and in what quantities or amounts. Whether tell or say I have done much harm to the kid! Do not leave without the answer!!! The some people speak, that this chemistry should not be accepted at all!!! Help or assist to understand!

05.06.2004, 06:48
Acidum folicum accept till 20 weeks. Success

07.06.2004, 18:53
Cease to experience. From an once precisely no trouble will not occur or happen. And in general these tablets also should be drunk on 3 pieces in day, only not at once, and ON 1 SHT, 3 TIMES a DAY.
To me the doctor has registered such reception within a month (from 5 weeks), she to all my girlfriends so registered also all have given birth to perfect kids.

09.06.2004, 18:30
Drink better complex vitamins. There precisely all is balanced also anything superfluous.