Просмотр полной версии : Good evening! Girls, especially our coevals (to us of 35 weeks), chuvstvuete-...

06.06.2004, 08:47
Good evening! Girls, especially our coevals (to us of 35 weeks), whether chuvstvuete-you too, as I: delicacy, a giddiness, a nausea, a sleepiness, a stretching of a stomach or belly, a sleeplessness, or is individual sensations? Whether Znachit-it, what labors can begin more likely, than I think?

07.06.2004, 02:09
These are normal sensations. Only for the control hand over the analysis of a blood (check up a hemoglobin). And in occasion of sorts or labors - hardly. The only thing - at me the nausea was reaction to a ramollissement and opening shejki. When has come to the doctor to 36 weeks - she has been opened or open on 2 fingers.

09.06.2004, 16:10
Olga, and at me to you a question. If you worked, on what term send away or have left in dekr. Holiday?