Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Very much I hope for the answer as very much I worry. At me 10...

Vinogradova M.
05.06.2004, 11:21
Hello! Very much I hope for the answer as very much I worry. At me 10 I week of pregnancy, last night - botched work. Today - US, a tonus of a uterus - norm or rate, visible amotio or detachment is not present, palpitation of a fetus - norm or rate. On survey - small erosion shejki uteruses, she and krovila is a little. Now vydeleny is not present. The doctor has appointed or nominated Djufaston, a confinement to bed. Whether it is necessary to accept Djufaston, in fact threats, as those, no.

Ryazanov And.
07.06.2004, 03:37
Not knowing the general or common data on a status of your health, on that as as a whole the given pregnancy proceeds, whether were at you pregnancy before and as they passed or took place, it is difficult to give the certain answer. Djufaston appoint or nominate in the event that it is found out progestinovaja a failure. If those has not been confirmed, pregnancy proceeds without threat nevynashivanija to accept Djufaston there is no necessity. Small sanious allocation can be connected with erosion, in this case nothing threatens your child.

Vinogradova M.
07.06.2004, 06:06
Many thanks for the answer, the previous pregnancy 1, 5 years ago has ended honey. Discontinuing, t. To on term of 5 weeks there was a greater or big amotio or detachment of a fetal egg (3/4) according to US, this time on US was already 2 times, amotio or detachment is not present, a tonus too. All analyses normal. Whether I can be quiet for the kid, and as it is necessary to cancel correctly Djufaston as to drink I it or him vse-taki the beginnings. Still the doctor has advised to drink Acidum folicum 1 t. 3 times a day, has told or said, it is useful for development of a brain of the child, but I drink Maternu, there already there is 1 mg f. To, whether will be overdosages?

Ryazanov And.
08.06.2004, 18:09
If treatment is begun, and in the past there was a unsuccessful pregnancy - follow indicatings of the doctor.

Vinogradova M.
09.06.2004, 04:16
Excuse for importunity, but at me a new problem. Not further than 2 hours back husband came on affairs to the friend, through pair minutes of a finding in an apartment has learned or has found out, that their child is ill or sick with a rubella. The husband at once has left. What probability of infection of the husband and transmission of infection to us with the child? Whether there Is an immunity, is not known, analyses on a rubella did not hand over, after holidays we shall go. Respond please, differently I today simply shall not fall asleep.

Ryazanov And.
09.06.2004, 11:32
The incubation interval or delitescence lasts from 11 till 24 days (more often 16 20). The virus of a rubella is allocated in an environment one week prior to occurrence of an eruption and within a week after a rash. Disease can proceed atypically, asymptomatically. The rubella is dangerous to pregnant women in the first 12 - 16 weeks. Necessarily hand over analyses, try to find out when the result will come. Probability of disease small, especially if there was no immediate contact to patients or patient, but vse-taki she exists. And here to panic it is not necessary, it is not good for you.