Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy of 4 weeks, advise something to get rid from nachanaju...

06.06.2004, 16:35
Pregnancy of 4 weeks, advise something to get rid from nachanajushchegosja taksikoza

07.06.2004, 07:50
There is an agent against a toxicosis. Imbirnoe butter or oil. Apply it or him so: during an attack of a nausea drip on a palm 1 drop of butter or oil, pound or triturate it or him in palms and inhale deeply. Zinziber very well helps or assists to remove or take out a nausea. But he very dear or expensive. This butter or oil costs or stands from 207. And above. The information where this butter or oil can be bought or purchased look in section about presence medicinal sr-in in a to Moscow on a site www. medlux. ru/

08.06.2004, 03:42
Itself did not try or taste, t. To. toshnit only for famine (while:-))), but read, that it is necessary to drink more liquids (but I with it or this not so agree), and also help or assist suhariki from black bread. I hope, to you will help or assist!

08.06.2004, 21:56
To us on courses speak, that a toxicosis this natural purification or ablution of an organism, therefore are afraid of it or him it is not necessary, and it is necessary to drink more waters and to do or make one unloading or hungry day in a week. And still cleansing enemas help or assist.