Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 29 years and within 8 months I try to become pregnant....

06.06.2004, 19:23
To me of 29 years and within 8 months I try to become pregnant.
In October, 2002 I have got on reception to the endocrinologist. The doctor has sent me on US then reception L-of a thyroxine within 5 months has been written out. After treatment again US and a blood on TTG June 2003 - 0, 5 (at norm or rate 0, 2 3, 5) - treatment has ended. During treatment I have started to take basal temperature, having seen the schedule, the gynecologist have sent to ginekologu-to the endocrinologist. It has been appointed or nominated by US of organs of a small basin, TTG, 3, 4, FSG, LG and MSG. On pictures of a pipe like are passed or taken place;passable, but there is a chronic salpingitis or a salpingo-oophoritis (do not remember). On 5 j day FSG-9, 2 (1, 8 11, 3), LG-3, 0 (1, 1 8, 7), Prolactinum 686, 5 (67 726). TTG in August 7, 0, in September TTG-5, 0, 3-1, 1 (1, 1 2, 8), 4-85, 3 (50 150), in October TTG-5, 2, 3-1, 5, 4-78.
According to US - the ovulation occurs or happens for 14 15 day, and also there is an adherent or adhesive process in the field of a small basin, under the schedule temperature at the first phase 36, 6 36, 4 in the second phase rises slowly, with zapadanijami, above 37 5 7 days keep.
Menstrual cycle of 27 30 days. During a menses (duration of 5 6 days) slices of slime - are allocated much.
Handed over analyses on a clamidiosis, a mycoplasmosis and ureplazmoz - anything. A blood on TORSH infections - that's all right.
At the husband spermogramma by way of.
What to do or make? Pregnancy does not come, time goes
For what to undertake? And whether she can kogda-nibud come or step?

Malanova T.B.
08.06.2004, 07:25
And at you a failure ljuteinovoj phases, application gestagenov is necessary.