Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. Me very much disturb allocation svetlo-yellow color...

Irina, 24
07.06.2004, 10:45
Hello, the doctor. Me very much disturb allocation svetlo-yellow color with unpleasant zapahom-as though pokisshy cottage cheese or cheese. At a menses sometimes first two days the right side hurts, therefore I accept Baralginum (no-shpa and t. The item does not help or assist, And if I shall not accept a tablet very strong boli-when very much it would be desirable to lose consciousness to not feel. Starts to shake, a cold clammy sweat on a back, simply braids. Once even has got with fast in hospital with suspicion on an appendicitis). A sexual life I do not conduct, that me very much disturbs, but to resolve a situation till now it is not possible. Therefore at the gynecologist was last time 2 years ago. Can be prompt something. Thanks.

07.06.2004, 13:36
At me a thrush. Whether there is in it or this a fault or wine of the partner?

07.06.2004, 20:46
Yellow color and unpleasant smell is an attribute of an infection. It is necessary to you urgently to the gynecologist and to hand over analyses (a smear, a blood).